Osteopathy Treatment Clinic Croydon

Osteopathy Treatments covering Croydon & the Surrounding areas

From supporting mothers and babies; keeping the elderly active and mobile; aiding recovery from muscle and joint injuries, or contributing to the management of chronic long-term conditions, an osteopath will take the time to help you keep healthy and mobile, using expert hands-on treatment, exercise, and health advice.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

To an osteopath, for your body to work well, its structure must also work well. So osteopaths work to restore your body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

Osteopaths believe everyone can benefit from a tailored, whole-person approach to health. People of all ages see osteopaths, from babies to the elderly.

Osteopaths are highly trained Allied Health Professionals who are well known for their expertise in the evaluation, diagnosis and management of the entire musculoskeletal system and its relationship with other systems in the body.

You can expect your osteopath to take the time to understand your individual history, circumstances and unique physiology and provide a package of care that is tailored to your needs. This can include manual therapy, rehabilitation exercises, screening and general health advice.

They also work closely with other healthcare professionals such as consultants, GPs, nurses, midwives, and other Allied Health Professionals.

Why Visit an Osteopath?

From supporting mothers and babies; keeping the elderly active and mobile; aiding recovery from muscle and joint injuries, or contributing to the management of chronic long-term conditions, an osteopath will take the time to help you keep healthy and mobile, using expert hands-on treatment, exercise, and health advice.

As highly trained healthcare professionals osteopaths take the time to understand your individual history, circumstances and unique physiology so they can provide you with a personalised plan to get you as healthy as you can be.

Osteopaths have the expertise and training to provide you with a thorough examination, taking the time to find out as much as they can about your current and past health history. They will also undertake physical examinations to ensure that they can provide the most suitable treatment plan, or if needed refer you to other healthcare professionals if required.

What Can I Expect During an Osteopathic Consultation?

Osteopaths will take the time to understand your symptoms, medical history and lifestyle which in turn will help them make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your issue and formulate a treatment plan with you that will achieve the best outcome.

Your osteopath will also need to undertake a physical examination which they will explain to you beforehand. This will often comprise of you undertaking some movements and for the osteopath to examine areas to feel for any tightness in the muscles and stiffness in the joints to identify problems.

Sometimes the cause of the problem may be in a different area to the pain, for example, pain in your lower arm may be linked to the nerves in your neck, so they may need to examine your whole body.

You may find that your osteopath may undertake other examinations, such as blood pressure or nerve checks, or even refer you for other tests such as x-rays, MRIs or blood tests. Occasionally they may diagnose an issue that they are unable to treat and may refer you to your GP or another appropriate health professional.

As with any health consultation, they will record this confidential information to form part of your health record and store it in accordance with legal requirements for medical data.

What Does Osteopathic Treatment Involve?

Osteopathic treatment often involves manual therapy – a range of gentle hands-on techniques that focus on releasing tension, stretching muscles and improving mobility – together with exercises and helpful advice designed to help you relieve or manage your pain, keep active and maintain the best of health.

Before an osteopath starts any treatment, they will explain what is involved so you can agree and consent to your course of treatment.

Osteopathic treatment is usually a very gentle process. There may be times when you experience discomfort during or experience some mild soreness after treatment. This will normally go away within 48 hours. Your osteopath will let you know if they think that any of the techniques they recommend are likely to be uncomfortable.

If you experience serious or unusual symptoms after treatment you should contact your osteopath straight away for advice.

Osteopaths often work with or refer you to other healthcare professionals as needed to ensure you receive the most appropriate care and treatment. 

What Training Do Osteopaths Have?

Osteopaths are regulated by law and recognised as an allied health profession by NHS England. This gives them a similar status to dentists or physiotherapists and guarantees an equivalent high level of care.

Before an osteopath can obtain registration, they must attain specialist degree-level training, either a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) or integrated Masters (MOst.), plus complete over 1000 hours of clinical placements (direct patient contact time).

To maintain their registration with GOsC, which is renewed annually, osteopaths must meet mandatory continuous professional development (CPD): keeping skills and knowledge up-to-date and maintaining high standards of professional development.

By law, an osteopath must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) to practise in the UK.

How can Osteopathy Help with Aging?

Ageing does not necessarily mean that we will experience discomfort, pain or stiffness. If you do notice changes which are impacting your physical abilities, many people often find that the care and advice from an osteopath can help you manage these allowing you to enjoy the pleasures of life into your later years.
Many people also find it helpful to talk to an osteopath about ways of keeping active, preventing common problems such as falls, or managing conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis

Osteopathy & Sports Injury

Osteopaths have a well-deserved, evidence-based reputation for expertise in the treatment of muscle and joint pain, often referred to as musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.

From back pain to frozen shoulder, tennis elbow to tendinopathies to arthritic conditions, and every muscle and joint in between, osteopaths will undertake a thorough examination to establish the cause of your issue and provide a package of care and advice tailored to your needs.

Your osteopath will also work with other specialist healthcare professionals such as consultants, rheumatologists, and orthopaedics where a multidisciplinary approach to patient care is required.

Whether a minor niggle or something that feels more substantial, it’s always good to visit a specialist MSK healthcare professional to seek advice.

MSK pain can affect people of all ages, from all walks and all genders. There is a wide range of MSK conditions from those that are easily managed and resolved to those that require more complex and specialist care
Common overuse issues such as tendonitis often seen in the ankle, elbow or shoulder respond well to care and treatment.
Back and neck pain, also known non-specific back pain, is rarely caused by anything serious. Early diagnosis and treatment can aid recovery and get you back to normal activities more quickly.

Wear and tear of joints, known as osteoarthritis, often affect the knees and the hip joints, although can occur in any joint of the body. Early intervention can keep you moving and minimise the impact on your quality of life.

More complex conditions such as inflammatory MSK conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, need more specialist management and care from a range of healthcare professionals.

What do I do now?

Simply send us an email to hello@sanderstead-osteopaths.co.uk or give us a call on 0208 776 0964 to have a chat about how we could help you through osteopathic treatment.

Who is Osteopathy Beneficial For?

If you are suffering from any of the below symptoms, an osteopathy session may be of great benefit to you. Call our friendly and experienced practitioners on 0208 776 0964 to book an appointment.

  • Chronic body pain, head trauma
  • Stress and tension related disorders
  • Post traumatic stress
  • Chronic neck and back pain
  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Birth trauma
  • Jaw pain, clicking jaw and TMJ disorders
  • Dizziness and tinnitus
  • Migraine and headaches
  • Sinus pain
  • Some types of arthritic or rheumatic pain
  • Car accidents and whiplash
  • Falls torquing the bodies alignment
  • Athletic and Sports related injuries, enhancing performance and injury prevention
  • Chronic and recurring injury
  • Acute injuries where the patient finds conventional manipulation too painful.
  • Anxiety symptoms
  • Feeling physically and emotionally exhausted
  • Overwhelm and trauma triggered
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression or low spirits
  • Tension headaches
  • Jaw tension

How Much Does Osteopathy Treatment Cost?

New Patients


1 Hour Treatment

  • Initial Consultation
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
  • Client Parking Available
Returning Patients


30 Minute Treatment

  • Condition Review 
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
  • Client Parking Available
Sanderstead Osteopaths

Other Osteopathic Services We Offer:

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle form of osteopathic treatment. It's usually used to treat babies and children and involves a gentle manipulation of their head and spine to increase comfort.

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments
General Osteopathy

Described as general osteopathic treatment (GOT) that consists of using several types of body segment mobilizations for assessing the occurrence of musculoskeletal dysfunctions

General Osteopathy
Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Treatments

Our osteopathic treatments will reduce your neck, back & shoulder pain. Treatments may include soft tissue massage, mobilisation and strengthening work to the shoulder, neck and back.

Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Osteopathy
Headaches & Migraines Treatments

Migraines & headaches are often triggered or worsened by stress, muscle tension, injuries, sinus pressure and incorrect posture. Our fully trained osteopaths can assist and help remedy any pain and discomfort you may be experiencing.

Headaches & Migraines Osteopathy
Pregnancy & Post Natal Treatments

Pregnancy and postnatal osteopathy can help to address a wide range of symptoms that include back pain, rib strain, wrist issues and pelvic pain. Our osteopathic treatments can also be of benefit to those suffering with symptoms such as constipation, tiredness or emotional imbalance.

Pregnancy & Post Natal Osteopathic Treatment
Children & Teenager  Treatments

Our paediatric osteopaths are highly experienced at identifying unresolved tension within teenagers & young adults. They apply modern scientific techniques of developmental anatomy & physiology through the use of therapeutic touch.

Teenager & Young Adult Osteopathy Treatments
Chronic Pain Treatment

Osteopathic manipulative treatment is used to alleviate somatic dysfunction by applying manually guided forces to improve physiologic function and support homeostasis.

Chronic Pain Osteopathy Clinic
Sports Injury Treatments

Our highly qualified osteopaths help to restore structural balance, ease of movement and joint mobility. Osteopathy encourages your joints range of motion, which in turn reduces pain and stiffness within the muscles and joints increasing blood flow to the affected areas.

Sports Injury Osteopath
Sanderstead Osteopaths

Areas our Osteopathy Clinic offers Treatment


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