Chronic Pain Osteopathy Treatment Clinic

Chronic Pain Osteopathy Treatment Centre covering Croydon & the Surrounding areas

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to pain management that focuses on treating the underlying causes of pain, rather than simply masking pain symptoms. Our therapy uses manual techniques, such as soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation, to restore your body's natural balance and improve overall function, which can help alleviate chronic pain.

Osteopathy for Chronic Pain Management

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to pain management that is increasingly being recognised as an effective alternative to traditional treatments for chronic pain. This therapy focuses on the body's overall function and wellbeing, rather than simply masking pain symptoms.

Osteopathy is based on the philosophy that the body is a self-healing organism, and that pain and dysfunction occur when the body's natural balance is disrupted. Osteopathy seeks to restore this balance by treating the underlying causes of pain, rather than simply masking pain symptoms. 

Osteopathy Techniques for Chronic Pain:

Osteopathy uses a variety of manual techniques to treat chronic pain, including:

Soft Tissue Massage: This technique involves applying gentle pressure to the soft tissues, such as muscles and tendons, to reduce tension and promote relaxation.

Joint Mobilisation: This technique involves using gentle, rhythmic movements to manipulate the joints, restoring normal range of motion and reducing pain.

Visceral Manipulation: This technique involves using gentle pressure on the abdomen to release tension and improve the function of the organs.

Craniosacral Therapy: This technique involves using gentle touch to manipulate the bones of the skull and spine, promoting relaxation and reducing pain. 

Osteopathy and Pain Perception:

Osteopathy also focuses on the nervous system's role in pain perception. By manipulating the body's soft tissues and joints, osteopathy can reduce the transmission of pain signals to the brain, thereby reducing pain perception.

Osteopathy and Nervous System:

Osteopathy recognises that the body's nervous system plays a crucial role in pain perception and overall health. By improving the function of the nervous system, osteopathy can promote overall wellbeing and reduce pain symptoms.

Conditions Treated by Osteopathy for Chronic Pain:

Osteopathy can be effective in treating a wide range of conditions that cause chronic pain, including:

Low Back Pain: Osteopathy can be effective in treating low back pain by restoring normal joint function and reducing muscle tension.

Neck Pain: Osteopathy can be effective in treating neck pain by improving joint mobility and reducing muscle tension.

Headaches and Migraines: Osteopathy can be effective in treating headaches and migraines by reducing tension in the neck and shoulders and improving blood flow to the head.

Arthritis: Osteopathy can be effective in treating arthritis by improving joint function and reducing inflammation.

Fibromyalgia: Osteopathy can be effective in treating fibromyalgia by reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation.

Sciatica: Osteopathy can be effective in treating sciatica by improving joint function and reducing pressure on the sciatic nerve.

The Benefits of an Osteopath for Managing Chronic Pain?

Here are some of the key benefits of osteopathy for chronic pain:

Improved Mobility:

Osteopathy can be effective in improving joint function and reducing muscle tension, thereby improving mobility and range of motion. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions that cause chronic pain, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.

Reduced Pain and Inflammation:

By treating the underlying causes of pain, osteopathy can reduce pain and inflammation, providing long-term relief without the need for traditional pain medication. Osteopathy techniques, such as soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation, can help release tension and reduce pressure on nerves, thereby reducing pain symptoms.

Enhanced Overall Wellbeing:

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to pain management that focuses on improving the body's overall function and wellbeing. By promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving nervous system function, osteopathy can enhance overall wellbeing and quality of life.

Fewer Side Effects Compared to Traditional Treatments:

Traditional treatments for chronic pain, such as pain medication or surgery, often come with significant side effects. Osteopathy is a safe and non-invasive alternative that can provide long-term pain relief without the risk of side effects.

Customised Treatment Plans:

Osteopathy is a personalised approach to pain management that takes into account the individual's unique needs and health history. Our osteopaths work with their patients to develop customised treatment plans that address the underlying causes of pain and promote overall wellbeing.

What is the Difference Between Osteopathy and Chiropractic?

Osteopathy and chiropractic are two alternative therapies that are often confused with each other. While there are some similarities between the two, there are also significant differences. 

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to pain management that focuses on treating the underlying causes of pain, rather than simply masking pain symptoms. This therapy uses manual techniques, such as soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation, to restore the body's natural balance and improve overall function.

Chiropractic, on the other hand, is a healthcare profession that focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders, primarily through spinal manipulation.

Osteopathy is based on the philosophy that the body is a self-healing organism and that pain and dysfunction occur when the body's natural balance is disrupted. Osteopathy seeks to restore this balance by treating the underlying causes of pain, rather than simply masking pain symptoms.

Chiropractic is based on the philosophy that misalignments of the spine can cause a range of health problems, and that spinal manipulation can correct these misalignments and promote overall health.

The Difference in Techniques between Osteopaths & Chiropractors

Osteopathy uses a variety of manual techniques, such as soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation, visceral manipulation, and craniosacral therapy, to treat pain and improve overall function.

Chiropractic primarily uses spinal manipulation, which involves applying controlled force to the joints of the spine to correct misalignments.

Our osteopaths are fully trained to treat the whole person and take into account factors such as nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle when developing treatment plans. Our therapists treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, and digestive problems.

Chiropractors primarily focus on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

While both osteopathy and chiropractic are alternative therapies that focus on improving the body's function and wellbeing, there are significant differences between the two. Osteopathy takes a more holistic approach to pain management and uses a wider range of techniques, while chiropractic primarily focuses on spinal manipulation.

How Much Does Chronic Pain Osteopathy Treatment Cost?

New Patients


1 Hour Treatment

  • Initial Consultation
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
  • Client Parking Available
Returning Patients


30 Minute Treatment

  • Condition Review 
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
  • Client Parking Available
Sanderstead Osteopaths

Other Osteopathic Services We Offer:

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle form of osteopathic treatment. It's usually used to treat babies and children and involves a gentle manipulation of their head and spine to increase comfort.

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments
General Osteopathy

Described as general osteopathic treatment (GOT) that consists of using several types of body segment mobilizations for assessing the occurrence of musculoskeletal dysfunctions

General Osteopathy
Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Treatments

Our osteopathic treatments will reduce your neck, back & shoulder pain. Treatments may include soft tissue massage, mobilisation and strengthening work to the shoulder, neck and back.

Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Osteopathy
Headaches & Migraines Treatments

Migraines & headaches are often triggered or worsened by stress, muscle tension, injuries, sinus pressure and incorrect posture. Our fully trained osteopaths can assist and help remedy any pain and discomfort you may be experiencing.

Headaches & Migraines Osteopathy
Pregnancy & Post Natal Treatments

Pregnancy and postnatal osteopathy can help to address a wide range of symptoms that include back pain, rib strain, wrist issues and pelvic pain. Our osteopathic treatments can also be of benefit to those suffering with symptoms such as constipation, tiredness or emotional imbalance.

Pregnancy & Post Natal Osteopathic Treatment
Children & Teenager  Treatments

Our paediatric osteopaths are highly experienced at identifying unresolved tension within teenagers & young adults. They apply modern scientific techniques of developmental anatomy & physiology through the use of therapeutic touch.

Teenager & Young Adult Osteopathy Treatments
Chronic Pain Treatment

Osteopathic manipulative treatment is used to alleviate somatic dysfunction by applying manually guided forces to improve physiologic function and support homeostasis.

Chronic Pain Osteopathy Clinic
Sports Injury Treatments

Our highly qualified osteopaths help to restore structural balance, ease of movement and joint mobility. Osteopathy encourages your joints range of motion, which in turn reduces pain and stiffness within the muscles and joints increasing blood flow to the affected areas.

Sports Injury Osteopath
Sanderstead Osteopaths

Areas our Shoulder Pain Osteopathic Treatment Covers


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