Osteopathy & Pilates

Osteopathy with Pilates for Croydon & the surrounding area residents.

At Sanderstead Osteopaths, we offer a unique blend of osteopathy and Pilates, combining their rich histories for a holistic approach to wellness. Our treatments are tailored to individual needs, addressing a range of conditions from pregnancy-related musculoskeletal changes to chronic pain management and pelvic floor dysfunction. Emphasising patient education, we empower individuals with the knowledge and practice to achieve optimal health and well-being, making us a leader in integrative healthcare.

The Holistic Fusion of Osteopathy & Pilates at Sanderstead Osteopaths

A Historical Perspective: The Roots of Osteopathy and Pilates

At Sanderstead Osteopaths, we blend the rich histories of osteopathy and Pilates for holistic healthcare. Osteopathy, established in the late 1800s by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, emphasises the body's self-healing ability through manual therapy and interconnected body systems. It has evolved globally, offering diverse treatments including exercise and lifestyle advice.

Joseph Pilates, paralleling osteopathy, introduced Pilates in the early 20th century, initially for rehabilitating injured soldiers. Now a popular fitness discipline, Pilates enhances core strength, flexibility, and body awareness through controlled movements and breathwork.

Our practice unites osteopathy's manual therapy and structural alignment with Pilates’ core strengthening, offering a holistic approach to wellness and preventive healthcare. This synergy effectively merges two philosophies for improved overall health and well-being. 

Customised Therapeutic Techniques for Individual Needs

At Sanderstead Osteopaths, we recognise the uniqueness of each patient, offering customised therapeutic techniques combining osteopathy and Pilates. Tailored to individual health goals and conditions, our approach treats chronic pain, injury recovery, and postural issues with a mix of osteopathic treatments and Pilates exercises. This personalised method addresses root causes, leading to sustainable health outcomes. Our commitment is to guide each patient towards recovery and lasting well-being.

Osteopathy and Pilates for Pregnancy and Pre-natal Health

Pregnancy-Induced Musculoskeletal Changes: Pregnancy significantly alters the body's musculoskeletal dynamics, often leading to lower back pain and pelvic instability. This is caused by the softening of ligaments, weight gain, and the shifting centre of gravity.

Osteopathy for Alignment and Relief: Our osteopathic treatments target the lumbar and sacral areas, which bear the brunt of these changes. Techniques like gentle spinal manipulation and pelvic alignment help in alleviating lower back pain and preparing the pelvis for childbirth.

Pilates for Core and Pelvic Strength: Pilates during pregnancy focuses on strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. These exercises are crucial for supporting the uterus, reducing pelvic pain, and aiding in labour and delivery.

Experience a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy journey with Sanderstead Osteopaths. Our specialised osteopathy and Pilates treatments are designed to adapt to your body's changing needs, providing relief from pregnancy-related musculoskeletal discomforts. Let us support and strengthen your journey towards motherhood. Contact us today to schedule a session and embrace a balanced and pain-free pregnancy experience. 

Post-natal Recovery with Osteopathy and Pilates

Physical Strains of Childbirth: Post-natal bodies need care to recover from the strains of childbirth, particularly in the abdominal and pelvic regions. Issues like weakened pelvic floor muscles and abdominal separation (diastasis recti) are common.

Realigning the Post-natal Body: Osteopathy post-delivery focuses on realigning the spine and pelvis, which often shift during pregnancy and childbirth. Manual therapy aids in restoring balance and reducing post-natal discomfort.

Strengthening and Rehabilitation through Pilates: Post-natal Pilates targets core re-strengthening, focusing on repairing diastasis recti and rebuilding pelvic floor strength. This not only aids in physical recovery but also helps in regaining pre-pregnancy body strength.

Regain your strength and balance after childbirth with our tailored post-natal osteopathy and Pilates program at Sanderstead Osteopaths. Our expert care will help you realign, rebuild, and rejuvenate, ensuring a smoother recovery and return to your pre-pregnancy vitality. Book your session now and embark on a restorative journey tailored just for you. 

Comprehensive Approach to Injury and Surgery Rehabilitation

Challenges of Post-Injury and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Recovery from injuries or surgeries like knee or hip replacements demands a focused rehabilitation plan. These conditions can lead to reduced mobility, muscle weakness, and joint stiffness.

Osteopathic Techniques for Mobility and Pain Relief: We use osteopathic manipulative treatment to improve joint mobility, enhance lymphatic flow for reducing swelling, and promote tissue healing. This is especially beneficial in restoring function post-surgery.

Pilates for Strength and Mobility Enhancement: Pilates in the rehabilitation process focuses on building strength around the injured or operated area. For knee injuries, for instance, Pilates would target strengthening the quadriceps and hamstrings to support the knee joint. 

Back Pain Management through Osteopathy and Pilates

Root Causes of Back Pain: Back pain can stem from various factors, including poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, or previous injuries. These often lead to muscle imbalances and spinal misalignments.

Osteopathic Treatments for Spinal Health: Our approach will begin with spinal manipulation to correct misalignments. We also focus on myofascial release techniques to relieve muscle tension that contributes to back pain.

Pilates for a Stronger Back and Core: Pilates sessions are designed to strengthen the core muscles, which are pivotal in supporting the spine. Strengthening these muscles helps in maintaining proper posture and reducing the recurrence of back pain.

Take control of your rehabilitation and back pain management with our integrated osteopathy and Pilates program at Sanderstead Osteopaths. Enhance your mobility, strength, and spinal health through our expert-guided treatments. Book your appointment today and start your journey towards pain-free living and improved well-being. 

Targeted Therapy for Knee and Shoulder Pain

Common Causes of Joint Pain: Knee and shoulder pain are often the result of overuse, arthritis, or injuries like tears and sprains. These conditions can lead to chronic pain, reduced range of motion, and strength loss.

Osteopathic Care for Joint Functionality: Our osteopathic treatments for these joints involve techniques to increase mobility, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. Soft tissue work around the affected joints helps in improving circulation and promoting healing.

Pilates for Joint Stability and Strength: Targeted Pilates exercises for the knee might include work on leg alignment and strengthening the surrounding muscles. For shoulder issues, the focus would be on exercises that enhance shoulder girdle stability and strength.

Experience relief and regain mobility with our targeted therapy for knee and shoulder pain at Sanderstead Osteopaths. Our specialised osteopathic care and Pilates exercises are tailored to enhance your joint functionality, stability, and strength. Don't let joint pain hold you back. Book your consultation today and start your journey to a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Advanced Techniques for Chronic Pain Management

Our approach goes beyond standard treatments, incorporating advanced osteopathic manipulations and tailored Pilates exercises. These methods are particularly effective in addressing long-term pain conditions, providing relief, and improving the quality of life for our patients. We focus on identifying the root causes of chronic pain, whether they stem from muscular imbalances, nerve impingements, or degenerative changes, and apply targeted therapies to alleviate these issues.

Struggling with chronic pain? Discover relief with our advanced osteopathic and Pilates techniques at Sanderstead Osteopaths. Book your session now and take the first step towards a pain-free life. 

Comprehensive Treatments for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation with Osteopathy and Pilates

Pelvic floor dysfunction, a condition affecting both men and women, can lead to a range of issues like incontinence, pain, and sexual dysfunction. At Sanderstead Osteopaths, we offer a comprehensive treatment to this condition, blending osteopathic treatments with Pilates exercises.

Osteopathic Techniques for Pelvic Health: Our osteopathic treatments address the various aspects of pelvic floor dysfunction. We use gentle manual techniques to improve pelvic alignment and reduce tension in the pelvic floor muscles. Our approach also involves treating related areas that might contribute to pelvic floor issues, such as the lower back and hips, ensuring a holistic treatment.

Pilates for Pelvic Floor Strengthening: In conjunction with osteopathic care, we incorporate Pilates exercises specifically designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises focus on enhancing muscle control and endurance, crucial for improving the function of the pelvic floor. Pilates offers a safe and effective way to
rehabilitate the pelvic floor, helping to alleviate symptoms and restore normal function.

At Sanderstead Osteopaths, our integrated approach to pelvic floor dysfunction focuses on both alleviating current symptoms and providing long-term solutions to enhance pelvic health. Through a combination of osteopathic care and Pilates exercises, we aim to empower our patients with the tools and knowledge for effective pelvic floor management. 

Empowering Patients Through Education and Practice

Education is a key component of the treatment process at Sanderstead Osteopaths.

We believe in empowering our patients with a deep understanding of their conditions and the ways in which osteopathy and Pilates contribute to their recovery and overall health. Our therapists take the time to explain the mechanics behind each treatment and exercise, fostering a sense of ownership and involvement in the healing process. This knowledge not only aids in effective management of current conditions but also equips patients with the tools and understanding necessary to maintain their health independently. 

Your Path to Optimal Health and Well-being Starts Here

At Sanderstead Osteopaths, we are dedicated to enhancing your health and well-being through our holistic approach that combines the power of osteopathy and Pilates. Whether you're seeking relief from pain, recovering from injury or surgery,

navigating pregnancy, or simply aiming to maintain long-term health, our integrated treatments are tailored to your unique needs. We believe in not just treating symptoms but addressing the root causes of health issues and empowering you through education and practice.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life by scheduling a consultation with our qualified therapists. Let us guide you on a path to optimal health and well-being, where core strength, alignment, and a proactive approach to health are at the heart of our philosophy. Your journey to better health begins at Sanderstead Osteopaths, where prevention is key, and your well-being is our priority. 

How Much Does Osteopathy with Pilates Treatment Cost?

New Patients


1 Hour Treatment

  • Initial Consultation
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
Returning Patients


30 Minute Treatment

  • Condition Review 
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
Osteopathy & Pilates


1 Hour Treatment

  • Consultation
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
Sanderstead Osteopaths

Other Osteopathic Services We Offer:

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle form of osteopathic treatment. It's usually used to treat babies and children and involves a gentle manipulation of their head and spine to increase comfort.

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments
General Osteopathy

Described as general osteopathic treatment (GOT) that consists of using several types of body segment mobilizations for assessing the occurrence of musculoskeletal dysfunctions

General Osteopathy
Chronic Pain Treatment

Osteopathic manipulative treatment is used to alleviate somatic dysfunction by applying manually guided forces to improve physiologic function and support homeostasis.

Chronic Pain Osteopathy Clinic
Sports Injury Treatments

Our highly qualified osteopaths help to restore structural balance, ease of movement and joint mobility. Osteopathy encourages your joints range of motion, which in turn reduces pain and stiffness within the muscles and joints increasing blood flow to the affected areas.

Sports Injury Osteopath
Pregnancy & Post Natal Treatments

Pregnancy and postnatal osteopathy can help to address a wide range of symptoms that include back pain, rib strain, wrist issues and pelvic pain. Our osteopathic treatments can also be of benefit to those suffering with symptoms such as constipation, tiredness or emotional imbalance.

Pregnancy & Post Natal Osteopathic Treatment
Children & Teenager Treatments

Our paediatric osteopaths are highly experienced at identifying unresolved tension within teenagers & young adults. They apply modern scientific techniques of developmental anatomy & physiology through the use of therapeutic touch.

Teenager & Young Adult Osteopathy Treatments
Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Treatments

Our osteopathic treatments will reduce your neck, back & shoulder pain. Treatments may include soft tissue massage, mobilisation and strengthening work to the shoulder, neck and back.

Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Osteopathy
Headaches & Migraines Treatments

Migraines & headaches are often triggered or worsened by stress, muscle tension, injuries, sinus pressure and incorrect posture. Our fully trained osteopaths can assist and help remedy any pain and discomfort you may be experiencing.

Headaches & Migraines Osteopathy
Sanderstead Osteopaths

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